About DBS Energy Services

Overview of Services:
DBS Energy Services offers engineering, consultation, and management services for all types of high voltage electric utility facilities. We have provided our services to a wide variety of clients including power utility companies, communication companies, oil companies, industrial businesses, municipalities, other consultants, and contractors.
DBS Energy Services Inc., is registered to practice engineering within Alberta, and British Columbia, where we are qualified and prepared to handle projects of any size and complexity.
Contact: Dennis Schlender, P. Eng.
DBS Energy Services, Inc.

Call us
Office: 250-364-9905
Fax: 250-364-9906
Toll Free: 877-364-9905

1490 Cedar Ave, Trail, BC
LandMark 1, Suite #405
1726 Dolphin Ave
Kelowna, BC

Suncor Presidential Award – Reduce Scope, Reduce Risk (2016)

INMR Article detailing FortisBC 63kV Kootenay Lake Crossing